Cefalù, Sicily: La Rocca

Cefalu old town

The famous cliff ( 268 m), La Rocca, overlooking Cefalù, Sicily  certainly is one of the major attractions of the historical town located on the northern coast of the island.

We decided to hike up to the summit together with numerous other visitors on the first day of our visit.  Undoubtedly most hikers go there because of the magnificent views even though several medieval ruins can be explored by the trail and on the mountaintop.

Corso Ruggero Cefalu
Corso Ruggero Cefalu
Cefalu Cathedral
Cefalu Cathedral
Stairs in Cefalu
Stairs in Cefalu
Near viewing point above Cefalu
Near viewing point above Cefalu
View east from La Rocca Cefalu
View east from La Rocca Cefalu
View west from La Rocca Cefalu
View west from La Rocca Cefalu

We walked past the cathedral in the old town and soon forked left along the narrow streets. We reached the entrance area and paid the admission fee (5 € pp). After a few bends, we took a detour to a viewing point with a large cross facing the old town.

We then climbed to the summit along the left-hand trail where good hiking boots were a good idea as many stretches were rocky and a bit steep. The skies were clear and we could admire tens of km of the coastline in both directions as well as the Aeolian Islands in the northeastern horizon. 

On the way back, we took the other less steep trail to the crossroads before descending back to the busy Corso Ruggero.

Climb: About 250 m
Distance: 4 km
Duration: 2 h    

Cefalu La Rocca walk


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Scallops with citrus sauce

 Scallops with citrus sauce

This elegant recipe is at its best in the Mediterranean winter when local citrus fruit are in season. Blood orange will give a delicious red colour to the citrus sauce. Serve the dish as a first course or a light lunch combined with some salad, goat cheese, and bread.

2 servings

6- 8 scallops

1 orange

½ lemon

1 tbsp. olive oil

Freshly ground black pepper

A pinch of Piment d’Espelette or other mild chilli powder

Chopped fresh herbs

Press the orange and lemon halve and cook the juices in a saucepan until reduced by half. 

Cook the scallops in 200° C oven for 4 minutes. Slice the scallops and divide on the plates.

Whisk the olive oil in the reduced citrus sauce. Grind in some black pepper. Pour the sauce over the scallops and sprinkle with a little piment d’Espelette. Decorate with some herbs and serve at once.


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Cime de Restaud above Menton

Riviera coast seen from Cime de Reastaud


The most impressive coastal mountains in Alpes-Maritimes are located in the eastern part of the department, notably those bordering Italy.

We have frequently used the perched village of Castellar (350 m) above Menton as the starting point for our hikes. Having climbed up to Roc de l’Ormea (1132 m) some years ago, we now wanted to hike to the neighbouring Cime de Restaud (1148 m) on the Italian border.

GR51 above Castellar
GR51 above Castellar

Starting from Castellar (signpost #400 near the cemetery) , we first ascended along a steep paved road to signpost #401 where we forked right steeply, leaving the paved road. It was part of the GR51 trail and after passing some houses we started to climb in the woods south of  the Roc de l’Ormea massif. We reached signpost # 716 and took the left-hand trail to Col du Berceau. The ascent was steep all the way, with a lot of moving rocks on the trail. We remembered that it was nevertheless easier to climb than to descend.

Towards Col du Berceau
Towards Col du Berceau
Trail to Col du Berceau
Trail to Col du Berceau
Menton seen from Trail
Menton seen from Trail

At Col du Berceau (1080 m) we forked right (east) along an unmarked but clear trail and climbed to Cime de Restaud with a cairn and a small painted metal cross on the summit. The super panorama was 360°, and we were just a bit higher than the Roc de l’Ormea summit. Many hikers climb both summits as they can be easily reached from the col.

Nearing Col du Berceau
Nearing Col du Berceau
Roc de l'Ormea seen from Restaud
Roc de l'Ormea seen from Restaud
Ventimiglia seen from Restaud
Ventimiglia seen from Restaud
View to north Cime de Restaud
View to north Cime de Restaud

We descended to signpost #12a on the col, forked right (north) and descended first along GR52 to signpost #407, passing old Castellar ruins. We reached a paved narrow road, descended further to signpost #95b near Mourga. We forked left and used the mostly paved road back to Castellar. 

Climb: 820 m
Distance: 9 km
Duration: 4 h
Map: “Nice Menton Côte d’Azur” 3742 OT

Cime de Restaud hike track


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