Eggs in ramekins à la Parisienne

Eggs in ramekins à la Parisienne

This recipe is my twist of the classic eggs in ramekins. I cooked the eggs in bain-marie in the oven which I think is much easier than bain-marie in a saucepan. 

I was inspired by a recipe in a French magazine. But why did they call it à la Parisienne? Maybe because it has mushrooms, champignons de Paris, and cooked ham, jambon de Paris? Anyway, it makes a nice lunch served with some good country bread and a green side salad.

2 servings 

2 large eggs

4 tbsp. crème fraiche 15% fat

4-6 mushrooms, sliced

1 shallot chopped

Olive oil

2 slices of cooked ham, chopped

½ tsp. piment d’Espelette or other mild chilli powder

Chopped parsley or chives

Preheat the oven to 180° C.

In a small frying pan, heat 1 tbsp. olive oil over medium heat. Fry the mushrooms and shallot for 10 minutes. Set aside.

Coat two individual ramekins with olive oil. Place 1 tbsp. crème fraiche in the bottom of each ramekin. Divide the ham and mushroom-shallot mixture in the ramekins. Crack 1 egg on top and add again 1 tbsp. crème fraiche. Sprinkle with piment d’Espelette.

For the bain-marie, boil water in a saucepan. Place  the ramekins in a small oven- proof dish and pour in boiling water until it reaches about halfway the ramekins. 

Place the bain-marie in oven and cook for about 20-25 minutes until the egg whites are set. Test with a toothpick; the whites are set when the toothpick comes out clean.

Decorate the ramekins with some chopped herbs and place on the plates. Serve with some good bread and a green side salad. 


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