Pié Martin loop variant (Tourrettes-sur-Loup)

Crossroads at signpost#187


The following loop hike is just an extension of the popular Pié Martin circuit above Tourrettes-sur-Loup (400 m).

Alley in Tourrettes-sur-Loup
Alley in Tourrettes-sur-Loup
Stonebridge over Vallon du Cassan
Stonebridge over Vallon du Cassan
Main road through village
Main road through village

Starting from the village, we passed the Chapelle Saint-Jean by the homonymous road, then continued along Route des Queinières  and Chemin Saint-Martin, all paved (Signposts #160, 161, 180, 181 and 183). At signpost #183 (1,6 km from the village square) we continued along a good trail to signpost #184/184bis and an intersection where we forked left towards Domaine de Courmettes. This is where we on our previous hikes took the right-hand path.

Trail after signpost183
Trail after signpost183
Domaine des Courmettes info
Domaine des Courmettes info
Bar sur Loup seen from trail
Bar sur Loup seen from trail
Trail between #184 and #187
Trail between #184 and #187
Tourrettes-sur-Loup seen from trail
Tourrettes-sur-Loup seen from trail

It turned out to be a good wide path with nice views down to the Loup River Valley in places. We reached the dirt track leading to the Domaine. We forked right (signpost #187), and headed along it northeast, passing the trail up to Pic de Courmettes. Descending gradually, we reached signpost #186 after about 1,1 km, forked right and descended to Pié Martin and further back to the Saint-Martin neighbourhood, closing the loop.

Climb: 490 m
Distance: 9,8 km (start from the main parking)
Duration: 3h 10
Map: “Cannes-Grasse” 3643ET

Pié Martin loop variant


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Roasted potimarron with pasta and pecorino mousse

Roasted potimarron with pasta and pecorino mousse

The following simple but tasty recipe is inspired by a TV show on the French morning TV, Télématin. Their TV journalist visited the Negresco Hotel in Nice where the cheffe Virginie Basselot cooked her recipe. Since 2018, Virginie Basselot has been at the helm of the Negresco’s restaurants. 

My recipe is a twist of Virginie Basselot’s more refined recipe which she said was made for tout le monde, everybody. 

2 servings

Whole wheat pasta such as fusilli, penne, farfalle

½ potimarron

Olive oil

For the mousse:

1 small shallot, minced

1 clove garlic, minced

1 tbsp. olive oil

150 ml white wine

A generous handful of grated pecorino

3  tbsp. crème fraiche, 15 % fat

Freshly ground black pepper

Fresh herbs to decorate

Preheat the oven to 200° C roast.

Clean and slice the potimarron half. Place the slices in an oiled oven-proof dish and brush with olive oil. Roast for 25- 35 minutes until soft. Remove  from the oven and cut away the skin. Set aside until needed.

Meanwhile cook the pasta as advised on the package. 

For the mousse, sauté the shallot and garlic for about 10 minutes over medium-low heat. Add the white wine and increase the heat to medium-high. Cook until the wine has reduced by about a third. Whisk in the pecorino, crème fraiche, and some black pepper.

Drain the pasta and divide on the plates. Dot with the pecorino mousse and divide the potimarron slices on top. Decorate with some chopped fresh herbs.


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