Baou de la Gaude direct


View from Baou de la Gaude

We wanted to explore a direct trail from Saint-Jeannet up to Baou de la Gaude (796 m) which is the easternmost baou looming above the village.

We had observed a path on the southwestern flank of Baou de la Gaude which was not marked in any of our maps nor in any guides.

Spring flowers
Spring flowers
Village of Saint-Jeannet
Village of Saint-Jeannet
Baou de la Gaude
Baou de la Gaude
Start of trail
Start of trail
First part of trail
First part of trail

From the parking at the entrance of the village, we followed the GR51 about 250 m, heading east along Promenade de  Saint-Pétronille. We forked left to Chemin de Lucioles, and climbed along the narrow paved street about 300 m until we reached a narrow path on our right-hand side. There were green marks painted on rocks. We headed north, then northeast while the incline became steeper and steeper. To proceed, it became necessary to use your hands in many places. Nearing the summit, we temporarily lost the green markings. We continued straight up, found the markings again and the trail suddenly emerged to the summit. Using this path requires a good physical form, agility, and surefootedness. 

Getting steeper
Getting steeper
Scramble needed
Scramble needed
Narrow part of trail
Narrow part of trail
On western flank of Baou de la Gaude
On western flank of Baou de la Gaude
View to west from Baou de la Gaude
View to west from Baou de la Gaude
Famous old oak tree
Famous old oak tree

From the southern cliff of Baou de la Gaude we had super views down to Saint-Jeannet, the neighbouring baous, the Var River Valley and the coastline. After a well-deserved break, we headed north, now along well used trails, passing the famous old oak-tree and La Colle 844 m), the highest point of today’s hike. We reached signpost #75, then descended to signpost #76.

We forked left, heading south in Vallon de Parriau, descending to signpost #95 where we merged with the GR51 trail, and followed it back to Saint-Jeannet.

Distance: 7,1 km
Climb: 430 m
Duration: 2h 40

Baou de la Gaude direct


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Red cabbage with oranges, cranberries, and walnuts

Red cabbage with oranges cranberries and walnuts

The sweetness of oranges and dried cranberries makes this winter vegetable side ideal for duck breast, magret. It will also go nicely with pork chops or turkey escalopes.

This vegetable dish is at its best in winter when the oranges from Southern Europe are in season.

2 servings

About ¼ of a red cabbage head

1 orange

2 tbsp. dried cranberries

A small handful of walnuts

2 tbsp. olive oil

Freshly ground black pepper

Fresh herbs to decorate

Warm the olive oil over medium-low heat in a heavy cocotte, cast iron casserole. Finely slice the red cabbage and sauté covered in the casserole for about 20- 30 minutes together with the cranberries.

Peel the orange and cut into smallish chunks. Add to the casserole. Coarsely crush the walnuts and add to the casserole. Grind over some black pepper. Cover and continue cooking for about 5 minutes.

Serve with duck breast or other meat and decorate with some fresh herbs.


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